Verdant Forest

.✧. Eastern Community | Venue | Clinic .✧.

[.✧. Location: Mateus, Mists Ward 2, Plot 37
Venue Dates: Returning Late January or Early February
Currently Recruiting/Hiring! .✧.]

. ───•.✧.•──────•.✧.•─── ..✧. Bathhouse Services .✧.Alcoholic drinks while upstairs are primarily served downstairs.Down the stairs houses 3 baths with a changing room(crystal lights over the door). We limit each bath to 3 or 4 people at most unless guests come together but be aware we expect it to be kept SFW! Should the chat start to scroll you can use party chat, though please feel free to poke staff should you need something or trouble arise.You are allowed to take drinks into the bath, but not food. You may eat and drink freely outside the baths downstairs or upstairs. It is automatically assumed you are given a swimsuit or towel before you enter, with the door to change being marked with crystal lights just passed the paper partition. We appreciate your patience and understanding..!We switch up the remedy each night, shifting between various health benefits...from skincare to relaxing waters. Currently the remedy in the baths smell of turmeric, ginger and vanilla. Tumeric is a healthy anti-inflammatory.. ───•.✧.•──────•.✧.•─── ..✧. Alcoholic Drinks .✧.Sake: Traditional Eastern rice wine. We offer junmai, honjozo, ginjo & daiginjo. (825 gil)
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Umeshu(Plum Wine): Hingan plum steeped in flavored liquor. Somewhat sweet. (840 gil)
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Shobu Sour: A good balance of sweetness of sugar syrup with lemon’s acidity and Sake’s strength. (835 gil)
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Soju: Naturally clean and neutral taste. We have several flavors such as apple, blueberry, persimmon, peach and pomegranate. (820 gil)
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Kugane Fizz: Easy-drinking, mild, and sweet as the sweetness of cream embraces gin. (835 gil)
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Naughy Hot Coco: Traditional warm hot chocolate but with vodka, chocolate liqueur and a little cinnamon. Topped with nutmeg and optional marshmallows. (Winter Seasonal, 880 gil)

[ Keep your eyes open, we may change drinks from time to time plus we have seasonals! Pricing is based off similar venues & some IC items being imported. If you don't see something on the menu ask. Everything is purely IC.]

. ───•.✧.•──────•.✧.•─── ..✧. Clinic, Tea & Herb Services .✧.
Inside the second room of the building resides the company's clinic. It is staffed by several and offers some medical services alongside selling tea, dried herbs/fresh herbs, and medicines. However, you are expected to knock before entering. On Venue Nights we do lighter medical work such as consultation & light wound tending. Anything more will need an appointment, so please no dire injuries/emergencies, save those for non-venue night! We like to maintain a mostly peaceful environment. To check out what's available stock wise check this carrd for Additional Services & Wares. If you'd like to see who staffs the clinic check here!
. ───•.✧.•──────•.✧.•─── ..✧. Clinic is Hiring! .✧.Alongside the venue portion, the clinic is also hiring for many positions, and these can include new services we'd like to provide. If you're curious, please check here for what possibilities lie ahead for those searching for a job or to help those in need.


.✧. Rules of the Venue & Apothecary .✧.

Keep all weapons stowed. No physical or magical fighting inside, as that must be taken outside. Cause a fuss and we'll call our security. This also goes for harassing fellow guests..if someone is bothering you please reach out to staff or security. We cannot do anything if we don't know. No weapons of any kind inside the clinic. This also extends to no violence. Keeps weapons stowed, contained and on your person. If you'd like we can store such till you leave. Keep the baths and everywhere public SFW. Spicy should be kept to tells or party if you must as we have various folks gathered together. That being said know there are people walking around so perhaps save anything possibly lewd for behind closed doors or outside the venue entirely. Alcoholic drinks can be mainly ordered downstairs outside the baths but you're allowed to drink them anywhere save the clinic. That being said be mindful of your fellow guests..we do have security just in case. All IC smoking is asked to be outside the building. If you don't see something on the menu just ask and we may be able to get it. Ask within reason..! Any and all interested in joining the staff of the venue or clinic must schedule an interview(can be OOC or IC). If it is a quiet night we may be able to speak with the interested party that night. Please respect all staff, venue or clinic. Staff has the right to refuse service should the guest become too unruly, appear to be too heavily drunk or nearing, inappropriate conduct, etc. We will call security if need be. Lastly please do not come in on venue/open nights with a medical emergency or something severe. Those situations can be addressed on different nights/days. (This is mostly an OOC rule).

Mori no Chishiki Community

.✧. Venue, Clinic & Eastern Community .✧.

Server: Mateus, Crystal Datacenter
Timezone: EST based. Can work with CST & PST.
House: Mists Ward 2, Plot 37(slight WIP)
Leader: Yasutaro Ikeda
Officers: Tsuya Kanamori
Discord: Our Discord Link
Tags/Themes: 18+, Light-Medium RP, Venue, Community, Clinic, Eastern, Slice of Life, maybe Adventure.
A Summary
One day a busy Raen from the East came into possession of a business, of which most duties were basically dumped on her. With the help of a childhood friend, she decided to take on the job. This would allow her to continue her clinic work while also acquiring more funds and help for various other projects..while also giving those who needed it some work and maybe resources. A burdensome task but time can change much.
The Verdant Forest is an 18+, LGBTQIA+ friendly Eastern rp venue & community looking for members to staff the venue and clinic. We’re a community/venue but hope to offer a place for Eastern rpers, Steppe rpers & rpers alike somewhere to rp, say their character works at and if you want an fc tag for buffs and stuff. All we ask is that any fc rooms be usable for rp and make sense as they'd be located on the estate. We'll try to throw in adventure when we can for those that want to. Though understand this may only start to take effect upon enough numbers. Regardless of if you join the fc or not we have a CWLS for staff, guests interested in the community/events & community as a whole.
A Bit About:
We are a SFW venue, this includes the baths area downstairs.
IC interview assuming your character decides to work at the venue or clinic, etc. We'll ask for a bit about the toon OOCly. You can speak with Yasutaro, Tsuya or Matsu for this.
Joining the discord is encouraged to at least help keep up to date.
A job board with tasks/missions as able.
Items & currency are purely IC!